I haven't been to Hollywood in ages... and I am so glad I got to go last night! I performed at Music Rx's Open Mic Concert Series at the famous Formosa Cafe in West Hollywood and... the reviews are in! I had a great time performing a 30-minute set with Barrett Tagliarino and Matt Bunsen. It was fabulous to meet a whole new crowd, new friends and new fans, one of whom – Keith Borden – posted this today:
"Wow! About last night at Music Rx's Open Mic Concert Series at The Formosa Cafe benefitting Music Rx featuring Raspin Stuwart. Raspin Stuwart blew me us all away with his 3 piece ensemble. This man can sing! I'm a fan! I'm not good at words but I can tell you his raspy, old school soul, mixed with a bit of folk and blues set the flow and ambience for the rest of the evening that was filled with surprises and amazing impromptu performances and collaborations that I won't forget!"
Thank you so much @therealkeithborden! I'm so grateful for this post and the opportunity to perform for such a worthy cause – @allaboutthemusicrx. Keep up-to-date with my show schedule by visiting https://www.raspinstuwart.com.
Peace and love all!
You and your ensemble were absolutely amazing! Thank you for supporting our cause and let's do it again!